
  In 2007, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region held its first-ever contested election for Chief Executive, selected by 800 members of an Election Committee drawn from roughly 7% of the population. The outcome was a foregone conclusion, but the process allowed a pro-democracy legislator to obtain enough nominations to contest the election. The office of Chief Executive is as unique as the system used to fill the office, distinct from colonial governors and other leaders of Chinese provinces and municipalities. The head of the HKSAR enjoys greater autonomous powers, such as powers to nominate principal officials for Chinese appointment, pardon offenders and appoint judges. Despite its many anti-democratic features, the Election Committee has generated behavior typically associated with elections in leading capitalist democracies and has also gained prominence on the mainland as the vehicle for returning Hong Kong deputies to the National People's Congress. This book reviews the history and development of the Election Committee (and its predecessor), discusses its ties to legislative assemblies in Hong Kong and Mainland China, and reflects on the future of the system.


Simon N. M. Young

  Simon N. M. Young is an associate professor and the director of the Centre of Comparative and Public Law in the Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong. His earlier work on the Hong Kong legislature was published in Functional Constituencies: A Unique Feature of the Hong Kong Legislative Council (Hong Kong University Press 2006). He is currently working on a book on Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal.

Richard Cullen

  Richard Cullen is a visiting professor and fellow at the Centre of Comparative and Public Law in the Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong. Previously he worked in the City University of Hong Kong and Monash University. His areas of research include comparative public law, public law, media law, and comparative tax law and policy. Most of his work over the last 20 years has been focused on Hong Kong and China.


  • ISBN:9789888028399
  • 規格:精裝 / 254頁 / 16 x 23 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:香港
  • 本書分類:> > >



在我們身邊,大部分的男性朋友都是非常愛面子的,每個男人都希望自己能夠身體健康,所以在平時如果出現了一些小病,往往都會自己扛著,不願意去看醫生。 ... 現在很多的男性朋友養成了不良的作息習慣和飲食習慣,身體長期處於亞健康的狀態,如果不加以調理的話,很可能各種疾病就會隨之而來。 而且還有很多的男性朋友,身體某些尷尬部位出現了異常,會感到異常的害羞,根本不願意去看醫生,慢慢的就會將疾病拖延癥,很可能就會導致病情加重。男人下半身若有4種異常,其實是身體在向你求救,別不放心上 ... 男人下半身出現特殊情況,希望你要留意,別因尷尬而忽視了 尿道產生白色物質 男性朋友在平時排尿的時候,希望能夠細心一些,要多觀察一下自己尿液以及身體的情況,如果在排便的時候發現自己的尿道邊緣有很多白色的物質,當有這種情況的話,就需要提高警惕了,這很可能是出現的炎癥,希望你能夠及時去醫院進行相關的檢查和治療,別因尷尬而忽視了個人的健康。 ... 尿道口紅腫 如果男性朋友在排尿的時候發現自己的尿道口出現了紅腫的情況,也一定要多留意,這種情況可能與平時穿的衣服不合適有關,穿的衣服過緊過粗糙,可能會刺激到男人的身體皮膚,建議男性朋友要穿純棉透氣性的衣服,最好選擇寬鬆的衣服。但是如果尿道口紅腫的情況非常的嚴重,已經持續了很長一段時間,那麼希望你別尷尬,還是及時去看醫生吧。 ... 尿頻尿急 當男性朋友排尿的時候,如果頻繁出現尿頻尿急的情況,這很可能是攝護腺出現了炎癥,也可能是泌尿系統出現了問題。當遇到這種情況的話,建議男性朋友別不好意思,希望及時去醫院進行相關的檢查和治療,這樣才能夠有利於病情的好轉,保證身體的健康,同時也希望你能夠及時改掉一些不良的嗜好,比如吸菸喝酒熬夜的。 ... 小腹墜痛 如果在平時不注意飲食衛生,導致細菌和病毒入侵,很可能會出現腹痛腹瀉的情況。但是如果男性朋友頻繁出現小腹墜痛的情況,那麼就需要提高警惕了,這很可能也是身體向你發出的暗號,希望你及時去醫院進行相關的檢查和治療,找準原因對癥治療,才能夠有益於呵護身體的健康。 ... 希望這篇文章能夠為您帶來幫助,感謝您的閱讀和支持,祝您身體健康。










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